3v3 Random precision weapon SWAT tournament β Friday Jan 31st 8pm EST
Signup deadline: Fri Jan 31st 7:59pm EST
3v3 - 50 Kills to Win
Select "Ranked Tactical" mode and switch weapon
- Ranked Tactical Settings - Bandit EVO
- Ranked Tactical Settings - BR
- Ranked Tactical Settings - Sidekick
- Ranked Tactical Settings - Commando
- Ranked Tactical Settings - Stalker Rifle
Round 1
Game 1: Recharge β BR
Game 2: Solitude β Bandit Evo
Game 3: Streets β Commando
Round 2
Game 1: Empyrean β Sidekick
Game 2: Interference β Stalker Rifle
Game 3: Aquarius β BR
Round 3
Game 1: Sylvanus β Bandit Evo
Game 2: Live Fire β Commando
Game 3: Recharge β Sidekick
Winners Semi-Finals
Recharge β BR
Solitude β Bandit Evo
Streets β Commando
Empyrean β Sidekick
Interference β Stalker Rifle
Grand Finals
Aquarius β Bandit Evo
Sylvanus β Commando
Live Fire β Stalker Rifle
Recharge β Sidekick
Solitude β BR
Loser's Round 1
Game 1: Solitude β Stalker Rifle
Game 2: Streets β BR
Game 3: Empyrean β Bandit Evo
Loser's Round 2
Game 1: Interference β Commando
Game 2: Aquarius β Sidekick
Game 3: Sylvanus β Stalker Rifle
Loser's Round 3
Game 1: Live Fire β BR
Game 2: Recharge β Bandit Evo
Game 3: Solitude β Commando
Loser's Round 4
Game 1: Streets β Sidekick
Game 2: Empyrean β Stalker Rifle
Game 3: Interference β BR
Loser's Semi-Finals
Game 1: Recharge β Sidekick
Game 2: Solitude β BR
Game 3: Streets β Bandit Evo
Loser's Finals
Interference β Sidekick
Live Fire β Stalker Rifle
Recharge β BR
Streets β Bandit Evo
Sylvanus β Commando
Tourney will be broadcasted at https://www.twitch.tv/naptimez