tournament banner #1242956869811699712
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
Double Elimination


Powered by Paidia Tournament Bot

Tournament managed on

🥊Anya's Fight Club🥊

5 players registered

Registration closed

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PC | NORTH AMERICA ONLY Supported by Paidia Gaming.

Prizes depend on the final Matcherino web pot. They will be as follows:

Up to $39.99 USD: Winner takes all.

$40.00 to $89.99 USD: 60%/40% split for top 2.

$90+ USD: 55%/30%/15% split for top 3.

PC | NORTH AMERICA ONLY Supported by Paidia Gaming.

Prizes depend on the final Matcherino web pot. They will be as follows:

Up to $39.99 USD: Winner takes all.

$40.00 to $89.99 USD: 60%/40% split for top 2.

$90+ USD: 55%/30%/15% split for top 3.

The tournament bracket will be displayed here once it is published

Makoto Hikawa ✅

Game Handle: Makoto Hikawa

cyanide ✅

Game Handle: CyanideExpress

BFelix014 ✅

Game Handle: BFelix014

Gogorilla37 ✅

Game Handle: Gogorilla37

ender bolet ✅

Game Handle: ender bolet

-Timer set to 99 seconds, number of rounds set to 2. Hazards OFF, assists ON. -Losers, Winners and GF FT3. The rest of the tournament is FT2.

Random stage is mandatory but if the loser would like to change the stage they can random again
Wired Connection Only
NO MOVES OR CHARACTERS ARE BANNED. If you register, you're agreeing to this.

The player that doesn't check in 10 minutes after tournament start will be DQd from both winners and losers.

Check-ins start 30 minutes before tournament start and end 10 minutes after tournament start.