Dead by Daylight
Single Elimination



Powered by Paidia Tournament Bot

Tournament managed on

The Gaming Cauldron

4 players registered

Registration open

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The tournament bracket will be displayed here once it is published


Game Handle: SirBear

Mr Penguin

Game Handle: Rustik_penguin


Game Handle: angelicpenguin


Game Handle: KateByTheOcean

The tournament will be run in a Single Elimination bracket, with each match being played as a ‘Best of One’.
● Each match will consist of five-person teams, four of which are survivors and one player acts as the designated ‘Killer’.
● When matched against another team, Team A’s ‘Killer’ will create the Match Lobby for Team B’s
‘Survivors’, and vice versa for Team B’s Killer, will create the Match Lobby for Team A’s Survivors.
‘Killers’ are responsible for Creating/Hosting the ‘Match Lobby’.
● All 4 Survivors must ready up before the Killer.
● The ‘Winning Team’ for a given match will be decided by the primary win condition, and where
necessary, tie broken by the three available tiebreakers, used in sequential order.
● Win Condition: # of ‘Hook Stages’ achieved. A hook stage is defined as the effect of a Survivor
being hooked or being left on the hook long enough to reach the next stage. They are the circles
that you see in your HUD as Killer, and the notches that you see as Survivor. Each Survivor can
give up to 3 stages for a total of 12 stages if all Survivors are sacrificed. Hook Stages are visible for
the ‘Killer’ in this example screenshot (see below), and for ‘Survivors’ in this example screenshot
(see below). In both examples, 3 ‘Hook Stages’ have been secured so far.
● Tiebreaker 1: Killer with most generators left unrepaired.
● Tiebreaker 2: Killer with most hooks on different unique Survivors.
● Tiebreaker 3: Killer with highest points in the Sacrifice category

(1) Banning each round (preventing the opposing team from using a specific character) characters are limited to that round. In other words, if you want to ban a character that was banned in the first round again in the second round, you need to use one of the second round's ban slots.
(2) The number of killers that can be banned per round is one.
(3) Default killers ONLY.

● Killer Add-ons: Only Common and Uncommon add-ons are Allowed. Rare add-ons are Allowed for all rounds of play up-to & until the Quarter Finals. Rare add-ons are NOT usable in the Quarter Finals,
Semi-Finals and Grand Finals.
● Survivor Items/Item Add-ons: No event Items can be used. Keys and Maps are not to be used. Survivor
team is not allowed to bring any item type more than once or equip any perk more than once. Only Common and Uncommon items and add-ons allowed for Survivors in all rounds.
● Offerings: Not Allowed
● Perk/ Item Restrictions: All Survivors must have Unique Perks & Items. Survivors may not have Duplicate Perks, or Items

In order to protect the integrity of the tournament, a minimum of one ‘Survivor’ and the ‘Killer’ (from the same team) must be able to produce a full-match recording of any game played during the tournament, for up to 24 hours after the match is played. Failure to appropriately capture, and provide this footage may result in a dispute being unable to be resolved. The burden of proof is on the individual/team raising the match dispute. Timestamps of specific clips and/or moments within provided evidence are required. Proof provided without a given timestamp will not be reviewed.
● Each registered team is responsible for ensuring they have designated the ‘Survivor’ who is
responsible for recording gameplay