Tournament Format
Single Elimination - BO1
Player Format
Your tournament overview will be displayed here
The tournament bracket will be displayed here once it is published
Game Handle: Huhu
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏 ✅
Game Handle: Tornado
<:emoji_1:1158063153620459550> How to register.
There will be a dedicated channel for participants to register for the event. Tournament period to play a match is 1 day. If the opponent doesnt want to play within that period of time they will be terminated from the event.
<:emoji_1:1158063153620459550> Submission of results.
There will be a channel for submission of results. To submit the final score you can send a screenshot of the final score or type manually on the submission channel.
<:emoji_1:1158063153620459550> Tournament rewards.
The winner and the runners up will be crowned with custom rank roles, and if anyone wants to sponsor any tournament feel free to submit a ticket.
<:emoji_1:1158063153620459550> Tournament settings.
Standard, with 6 min additional extra time and penalties
Conditions both good.