Tournament Start
Tournament Format
Single Elimination
Player Format
Your tournament overview will be displayed here
The tournament bracket will be displayed here once it is published
Game Handle: Mango
Game Handle: PixelOnline
Brackets will be set up depending on the number of teams competing, with bye games created as necessary. Teams will be randomly seeded in a single elimination bracket.
The ruleset(s) played on each round will have every matchup playing the same game mode as one another, but map choice will be agreed upon by the opposing teams in each matchup. If both teams cannot agree on a map within the pool, a veto system will be used as defined below.
Tournament structure by round:
Finals: Control (single round played)
- Choose between Lijiang Tower, Oasis, Ilios, Busan, and Talantis
Semi-Finals: Hybrid (minimum two rounds played, mirror with time back)
- Choose between Eichenwalde, Blizzard World, King’s Row, Numbani, and Paraiso
Quarter-Finals: Push (single round played at 10 minutes)
- Choose between Colosseo, Esperanca, New Queen Street, and Runasapi
Round of Eight: Flashpoint (single round played)
- Choose between New Junk City, and Suravasa
Round of Sixteen: Escort (minimum two rounds played, mirror with time back)
- Choose between Junkertown, Route 66, Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Circuit Royal, and Shambali Monastery
Veto system:
- First team to choose a map to remove is determined by a coin flip. The winner of the coin flip can decide on choosing first or second.
- Teams take turns removing one map from the pool until one map remains, which will be the played map.
- The team that did not make the last veto pick decides on if their team attacks or defends first.